If the leaders of LA can't find enough money to pay for the adequate fire management techniques you describe, despite a $13 billion budget, then we are clearly dealing with a serious case of mismangement and institutional failure.
It is true that wildfires are a statewide problem, but the State of California's budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year is close to $300 billion, so I think the same assessment applies.
I think a lot of what you write is true, but according to this, the Los Angeles municipality's 2023-2024 budget was $13.15 billion https://cao.lacity.gov/budget/summary/2024-25%20Budget%20Summary%20-%20FINAL.pdf
If the leaders of LA can't find enough money to pay for the adequate fire management techniques you describe, despite a $13 billion budget, then we are clearly dealing with a serious case of mismangement and institutional failure.
It is true that wildfires are a statewide problem, but the State of California's budget for the 2024-2025 fiscal year is close to $300 billion, so I think the same assessment applies.