I'm tickled to see Manhattan's Episcopal Church of the Epiphany mentioned in your column. I once lived around the corner from that Epiphany. It's at 74th and York Ave, a rustic section of Manhattan where change is slowwww. I wonder if they were at that spot in 1953 when he delivered his lay sermon. They've been there a long while. I like to picture him in that mid-century edifice, shaking things up (politely) amid the Hungarian and Czech eateries. When I lived there, you could still see and feel the 1950s. It's a charming detail. Thanks for this post, VP!

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William Whyte's City: Rediscovering the Center was an influential book in my life. I attempted to find a way to explore a study of environmental psychology, but I found slim pickings at the colleges I attended. In hindsight I should have contacted him to see if there was a way to contribute to his research. I just returned from a visit to Manhattan and I still see the city differently after reading his book. Mark Harmel

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Just last week I recommended The Organizational Man to my son as he has an interest in organizational psychology.

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