Tocqueville on Ambition and a Visit to DC
If you're in the DC area, you have three places to see me this week.

Monday, October 16, 6 pm: James Pethokoukis and I will discuss the cultural conditions for progress, moderated by Peter Suderman, at Reason. Details and free registration on Eventbrite.
Tuesday, October 17, 5:30-8:00: Works in Progress is organizing a series of lightning talks in which speakers, including me, will highlight inventions we’re excited about in the near future. The invitation is here
Wednesday, October 18, noon-7 pm: R Street Institute Real Solutions Summit, panel on “The Case for Optimism in the Age of AI,” moderated by Adam Thierer, with Jim Pethokoukis and Halie Craig.
I’ll host our first Zoom discussion for paid subscribers on Friday, October 27 at 4:00 pm Pacific Time/7:00 Eastern. We will be discussing two selections from Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, both focused on ambition: “Why the Americans Are So Restless in the Midst of their Prosperity” and “Why So Many Ambitious Men and So Little Lofty Ambition Are to be Found in the United States of America,” both freely available at the links. The Zoom information is below the paywall break.