If You Aren't Reading These, It's Easy to Unsubscribe
Cleaning up your in box is a good New Year's activity.
Scroll to the bottom, which isn’t far, and click “unsubscribe.”
That’s true of most of the bulk email cluttering up your in box. I hope you read my posts, but, if not, I won’t be insulted if you unsubscribe. Everyone’s time is limited!
Funny that your message popped up at the same time as I was reading a thread about people deleting their Instagram accounts. I deleted mine the day I read about the high percentage of teen subscribers in the UK who were having suicidal ideations. I was in so much of a hurry, didn’t even bother to make screen shots of many years of carefully chosen photographs. Had enough.
Yes, you’re completely right, there’s only so much time, which is why I’m phasing out of FB and focusing my energy on having a high quality Substack presence. Am hoping the platform remains valuable.
I probably look like one of those "subscribed but doesn't read". But I've read everything you've published for 30 years (except for Bloomberg stuff). The "from the archives" are fun but familiar.